Hello world!

Hello all!!

So this is the deal: 15 months ago I had 2 beautiful bouncing baby girls.  Yes! It wasn’t a typo. 2 babies at the same time, Twins. Since then life has been nothing short of a crazy rollercoaster ride (more on that later). With it I’ve come across some amazing finds and learned so much that I could not live without!!! I now feel the need to share a lot of my amazing discoveries with you all and hopefully it will be of some interest. You will find meal ideas including most of my recipes and a lot of tips and useful information for all things to do with or for your little angel(s). Youll also find some every day activities alongside my absolute life savers for when you’re out and about with the family. While following a strict routine was key to our ‘survival’, I know that not every one is the same. I have met many parents that have all different parenting styles but hopefully you can ‘cherry pick’some of my ideas for you and your little one.

The material on this site is designed for personal use only, so please be aware that all content is written and images posted by me (Ester Hunter) and its Copyright, need granted permission by the Authour (Me!) for use of any material from this site! Thank you!

Feel free to contact me by email: fingerlickinggoodness22@gmail.com I love to chat and respond to all my comments!!!  I will soon have more ways for you to contact me, but for now you can follow me and leave a comment or question here also.

Thanks for reading!!!!